COVID-19 Information
COVID-19 Information

COVID-19 Information

We understand that lately it has been a very difficult time for everyone. So, we want to help, do our share, and work with our community to all over come this challenge together. We have had a few questions on how the summer is going to run if this issue is still at hand.

Please note that as we enter new stages we will adapt precautions to what is recommended by Alberta Health and Safety as well as WHO

Certain precautions will be different depending on the stand you are attending due to limited space, indoor or outdoor set up, amount of employees at the stand, etc.

What we plan to do:

  • Use sanitized gloves (using separate clean gloves for handling cash versus no gloves for handling produce, which will be different depending on the amount of employees at a stand)
  • Using face masks (optional)
  • Have hand sanitizer stations at all of our locations
  • We will temporarily not be accepting reusable bags as they can be a carrier of COVID-19
  • We will be (temporarily) removing any by the pound options however, we will be offering different bag sizes
  • We will be providing a “line” and directions to avoid having people clutter (this will be very difficult to enforce)

What we need from our community:

  • Wash your fruits and vegetables once you get home
  • If you are even the slightest feeling ill, please stay home and have another individual do your shopping for you
  • Use sanitizer before handling anything at the stand (money, tables, jars, etc.)
  • Please avoid touching any produce or bags, our employees will happily assist you
  • Please respect our directions on where lines will start and keep social distancing in mind
  • Please respect any ropes, tape, string, etc. around the stand to follow appropriate social distancing and distance from produce
  • Do not reach over, under, or through marked sections

We are trying our best during these crazy, scary, confusing times and appreciate the communities help, cooperation, and understanding. We may not always be 100% and we are no where near perfect but we are trying very hard. So, if you have any recommendations please message us on Facebook.

Information and facts about the COVID-19 virus according to the Government of Canada:

Symptoms of human coronaviruses may be very mild or more serious, such as:

  • Fever
  • Cough
  • Difficulty breathing

Symptoms may take up to 14 days to appear after exposure to the virus.

Coronaviruses are most commonly spread from an infected person through:

  • respiratory droplets when you cough or sneeze
  • close personal contact, such as touching or shaking hands
  • touching something with the virus on it, then touching your eyes, nose or mouth before washing your hands

These viruses are not known to spread through ventilation systems or through water.

The best way to prevent the spread of infections is to:

  • wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds
  • avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth, especially with unwashed hands
  • avoid close contact with people who are sick
  • cough and sneeze into your sleeve and not your hands
  • stay home if you are sick to avoid spreading illness to others.

For more information follow this link:

Please, if you have any additional information or recommendations, do not hesitate to reach out to use through phone or our Facebook.

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